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Why Manchester Neuro Physio - Serial Casting

Why Manchester Neuro Physio - Serial Casting

At Manchester Neuro Physio, we have a team of experienced specialist neurological physiotherapists who are keen to help improve your range of movement. We understand that tight stiff muscles in the arm or leg can significantly impact on your confidence, well being and ability to lead a normal active life. Your physiotherapist will use current research and experience to plan and discuss an appropriate treatment plan with you. We have access to a wide range of equipment and interventions that provide benefit and relief to those with muscle tightness and decreased range of movement.

  • No waiting lists
  • Treatment in the clinic or at home
  • Highly skilled, caring therapists with valuable experience serial casting
  • Family and carer education of how to apply casts at home
  • Careful monitoring of cast to ensure safe and efficient stretch routine
  • Discussion and regular monitoring of target range of movement
  • Home exercise program
  • Serial casting at any stage of your condition
  • High standard of serial casting material utilised
  • Access to botulinum toxin injection therapy
  • Access to occupational therapy to improve ability to complete functional activities
  • Access to hydrotherapy to increase muscle stretch in warm shallow water

People who have completed the serial casting programme report significant benefits. To book an appointment or discuss your suitability for our serial casting service please call 0161 883 0066, Book now or alternatively request a free phone consultation.

Serial Casting

To book an assessment or for more information please email call 0161 883 0066 .