The Benefits of Serial Casting Serial casting is a useful treatment technique to increase range of movement and muscle length. However, it does not replace the need for physiotherapy. Your physiotherapist will carry out a detailed neurological assessment and plan treatment sessions that may include: Manual muscle and joint stretches Muscle mobilisations Strengthening exercises Weight bearing exercises Practice of functional activity Home exercise program Patient/family/carer education It is essential that you continue with your home exercise program outside of treatment sessions when you are not wearing your cast in order to improve range of movement. If you are unable to complete the exercise program independently, the stretches and exercises can be taught to a friend or relative. Serial casting is often used alongside botulinum toxin (botox) injections and/or orthotics in order to achieve optimum increase in range of movement. The benefits of serial casting include: Maintain or improve joint range of movement Maintain or improve muscle length Maintain or improve joint alignment for weight bearing Prevention or minimisation of deformity Enable use of orthotics - to wear splint or a brace to improve ability to carry out functional activities such as walking or use of arm to reach for objects Increased tolerance to manual stretches by therapist/carers Increased ability to use the limb during functional activities Increased confidence and quality of life Improved aesthetic appearance of the limb Facilitates efficient maintenance of personal hygiene ie. washing and dressing Decreased pain and discomfort Minimise the need for muscle lengthening surgery People who have completed the serial casting programme report significant benefits. To book an appointment or discuss your suitability for our serial casting service please call 0161 883 0066, Book now or alternatively request a free phone consultation. Serial Casting Conditions treated with Serial Casting The Benefits of Serial Casting Why Manchester Neuro Physio To book an assessment or for more information please email call 0161 883 0066 . ← Previous Error_log Next → Why us