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Physiotherapy for Transverse Myelitis

Physiotherapy for Transverse Myelitis

Manchester Neuro Physio can assist you to achieve your maximum physical potential by treating the problems that arise following the onset of transverse myelitis. During your initial assessment you and your physiotherapist will discuss realistic short and long term goals. These goals will then be at the centre of your rehabilitation. The physiotherapy treatment you receive will be dependent on your symptoms and your goals.

With the correct medical and physiotherapy treatment, approximately a third of patients make a full recovery following the initial onset, a third have a moderate degree of permanent disability, and a third make virtually no recovery and remain severely functionally disabled.

Physiotherapy for patients with transverse myelitis includes;

  • exercises and stretches
  • joint care
  • pain control
  • anticipating and minimising secondary complications
  • provision of equipment, orthoses, and wheelchairs
  • advice for you and those caring for you on handling techniques
  • teaching you how to use specialised exercise equipment
  • teach transfers (getting in and out of a wheelchair, bed, car, shower/bath and onto and off a toilet).
  • teach wheelchair skills
  • hydrotherapy treatment
  • breathing exercises and chest clearance techniques
  • referral to appropriate health professionals

The effects of physiotherapy can be:

  • increased quality of life
  • increased independence
  • increased muscle strength
  • increased energy levels
  • reduced pain and muscle spasms
  • reduced stiffness
  • reduced risk of chest infections

The diagnosis of transverse myelitis is a life changing event for both you and your loved ones. At Manchester Neuro Physio we aim to make our treatment sessions effective and enjoyable. Many patients develop close relationships with our physiotherapists. This, combined with increased function and independence, allows our patients to lead as fulfilling lives as possible.

To book an appointment call 0161 883 0066, Book now or alternatively request a free phone consultation.

Transverse Myelitis

To book an assessment or for more information please email call 0161 883 0066 .