Manchester Neuro Physio have helped many patients with a multitude of neurological conditions and a huge range of abilities. If you would like to add a testimonial please contact us.
- Stroke Testimonials
- Cerebral Palsy Testimonials
- Parkinson's Disease Testimonials
- Spinal Cord Injury Testimonials
- Dementia Testimonials
- Guillian Barre Syndrome Testimonials
Stroke Testimonials
My husband, Harry, had a stroke whilst we were on holiday in June 2006. After a couple of months in hospital and 6 weeks of NHS physiotherapy at home Harry was discharged. At this point he was able to transfer from bed to chair and chair to commode with the assistance of one carer or myself.
I contacted Manchester Neuro Physio for an assessment. This was mainly for an opinion on whether Harry had any further room for improvement.
Harry has been seen once or twice a week by Manchester Neuro Physio since the assessment and has continued to improve over the last year. Progress is not as fast as it was immediately after his stroke but he continues to amaze me with his enthusiasm, new things he can do and the new exercises that they have him doing. The continued hard work of Manchester Neuro Physio (and Harry of course!) have got him to the point that he is at today.
He is now much more independent and happier for it. He can walk around the house with his stick - without me worrying. He also sleeps upstairs again now as he can go up and down the stairs as long as someone is with him.
I recommend Manchester Neuro Physio all the time. Their staff are so knowledgeable, caring and thoughtful. It's reassuring to meet medical professionals that have time to discuss your concerns and it is nice to know that they really do care.
Regards, Margaret.
Thanks for coming to see my mother, on Monday evening. You worked not just a minor but a major miracle in getting her to walk beyond the front gate! She is now doing her exercises and has walked down the road with a friend. We realise that she could do these exercises on her own but the knowledge that you will be coming to check up and do more exercises with her is a valuable catalyst for galvanising her into action! She is already looking forward to your next visit - keep up the good work!
Best wishes, Marcia.
Cerebral Palsy Testimonials
So far I've been having physiotherapy with Manchester Neuro Physio for about 15 weeks now. I can't believe how much progress I have made in that time!
I am 38 and have cerebral palsy diplegia. I have a chronic sprained left ankle. My right ankle is slightly sprained as well. I have had ankle problems for about 9 months. I spent a long time trying to follow advice and build up my walking and doing exercises on my own with very little improvement. The more I tried the worse things got, more pain and lots of frustration! Seeing Manchester Neuro Physio has made a tremendous difference. I got some good advice:- I got a walker, got an ankle brace and I got some ultrasound treatment straight away. At last some real hope, support and advice.
The encouragement has been amazing. I never thought I would be able to walk much but the walker has helped a lot. I was walking with it within 3 weeks. Of course, walking was (and still is) very hard work but progress is being made and confidence is coming back, something I thought I'd never get back.
My physio showed me exercises I could do and explained what was going on with my ankles. He's never avoided my questions however hard they are. Nobody explained much before, I always felt alone and fobbed off. I was never sure if I was doing exercises or walking correctly until I saw Manchester Neuro Physio. I didn't have much direction or self belief. Manchester Neuro Physio have more time to show me things and explain things; their encouragement has made a huge difference. I wish I'd gone to them ages ago but I didn't know where they were until my GP recommended them to me. I was making very little progress before my physio came to see me. I had no hope. Having a disability and carrying an injury is very hard work.
I've got a huge mountain to climb and I can't do it alone. I've risen to every challenge and done my best. They've won my trust and that's why I've tried hard and improved quite a lot.
I've a long way to go yet but I'm proud of what we have both achieved so far and I hope I can progress even more. Susan.
Dear Manchester Neuro Physio,
Thankyou for your physiotherapy. My legs are now tons better and I am better at football. I promise to keep up with the stretches and exercises you showed me. I hope I get to be a physio when I'm older to help other children like you helped me.
Thank you, Jake (Aged 7)
Parkinson's Disease Testimonials
In 2007 I had a fall and was unable to walk outside. I went to see my local physiotherapist and they recommended Manchester Neuro Physio because they felt I needed to see a specialist neurological physiotherapist.
I arranged to a home visit with Manchester Neuro Physio and during my assessment the physiotherapist talked to me about the problems I was having and did some tests of my balance, walking and movements. The physiotherapist explained that they thought I had Parkinson's Disease and they wrote a letter to my GP advising him to refer me to a neurologist. The neurologist confirmed I had Parkinson's Disease and started me on some medications. After a few weeks I felt much better. I was more confident and walking around the house more. I arrange to see the physiotherapist again. He took the time to answer all my questions, explain to me what Parkinson's was and what I could do to keep active for as long as possible.
After a few more physiotherapy sessions, where I was taught some exercises for my balance and useful tips to help me get about, I began to walk outside again. I am extremely grateful for all your help and for you making sure I was seen by the right people as soon as possible. I would not hesitate to contact you again if my walking deteriorates.
Thanks for everything, Mable (Age 71)
Spinal Cord Injury Testimonials
My name is Craig, I am 26 and I was involved in a serious road traffic accident in 2005. I have been receiving physiotherapy from Manchester Neuro Physio for just over a year now. In the accident I suffered blow-out fractures of my T12 and L1 vertebrae. I spent a few months in intensive care ventilated during which I was very ill. As I became better I had spinal and abdominal surgery and after this I was transferred to a Specialist Spinal Unit. When I was well enough the doctors explained to me about what had happened and that my spinal cord had been irreversibly damaged. This means that I am unable to move or feel either of my legs. The specialist unit taught me lots of things such as how to get out of bed and into my wheelchair on my own, how to monitor my skin condition and how to change my catheters.
After six months I was discharged from hospital to a ground floor flat on my own. Although I was allowed to leave hospital I still felt weak and wanted to improve further. I contacted Manchester Neuro Physio following a recommendation from a friend who was also receiving treatment at the time. At the initial assessment they took a long history, physically assessed me and then I showed them how I was transferring. We discussed how physiotherapy could benefit me. Most of these things were long term but I knew that nothing was going to happen overnight.
Before I saw Manchester Neuro Physio again I was assigned a rehabilitation case manager by my solicitors and insurance company. Manchester Neuro Physio advised my rehabilitation case manager on the exercise and standing equipment that I required. I continued to see the physio from Manchester Neuro Physio until the equipment arrived. We worked a lot on my shoulders as they had become very stiff, severely restricted and were weak from months of lying in bed. By the time the equipment arrived I was able to push myself around in my chair much easier and could push myself outside around the block.
I see my physio twice a week and use the standing equipment to keep the bones in my legs strong and my joints healthy. I also have a hand bike and weights to exercise my arms, shoulders, chest and back. Recently we have been working on car transfers and in the next few months I am going to have my first driving lesson in an adapted car.
I feel lucky to have found Manchester Neuro Physio as they have made such a huge difference to the quality of my life. The knowledge of my physio and the way he keeps in contact with my solicitors and case manager means that I can concentrate on me without worrying about little problems that occur. I continue to improve and feel stronger and stronger. My next challenge is to try my hand at a wheelchair sport but I've got a way to go yet.
Thanks for everything Manchester Neuro Physio.
Dementia Testimonials
Earlier this year my father, 81, was admitted to hospital after he collapsed. He became unwell and remained in hospital for three months. By the time he was discharged his health had deteriorated significantly. The doctors told me he had Lewy Body Dementia and advised me to look at care homes for him.
I found a good care home for him, but soon afterwards he started to develop tight muscles with painful spasms. On recommendation of another resident's family I contacted Manchester Neuro Physio. I am very glad I did! The neurological physiotherapist that saw my father has been great! She has helped reduce the spasms so my father is now much happier. She has also taught the nursing staff the best ways to position my father, and is in regular contact with his GP to keep him informed about the effects of the medications he is on.
I feel the support she has shown and the amount of care she has for her patients is amazing. She has happily gone out of her way to help ensure my father receives the best care possible.
Many thanks for all your dedication, Evelina
Guillian Barre Syndrome Testimonials
I was visiting my parents over Christmas 2006 in Bournemouth. I woke early in the morning feeling particularly strange. The feeling was quite indescribable. I was a little worried and decided to go and make a cup of tea. I attempted to drink it but ended up coughing and spluttering. I woke my wife and my speech was slurred. She called the doctor and he came out to the house. He wasn't sure what was wrong and so he called an ambulance. I was taken to Accident and Emergency in Bournemouth and was quickly transferred to the Intensive Care Unit. Here they explained that I had Guillian Barre Syndrome and this is a progressive muscle weakness. They told me that due to my age and previous levels of fitness I should make a full recovery eventually but if the weakness progressed to the breathing muscles I would have to be ventilated.
I was ventilated for four weeks and given special medication to speed up my recovery. I saw the physios for about three weeks once I was off the ventilator whilst I was in hospital. When I was discharged from hospital back home to Manchester I was able to walk a short distances with a walking stick.
My wife contacted Manchester Neuro Physio when I was still in hospital after finding them on the internet. I saw the physiotherapist from Manchester Neuro Physio at home initially. He gave me an exercise programme that I completed daily and it was progressed on a weekly basis. I also had hydrotherapy treatment to help strengthen me up and work on my balance.
As I got stronger I returned to work part time and the physio came to my gym with me and gave me a special exercise programme to follow. The programme was progressed as my strength returned.
I am now back at work full-time having made a full recovery. Last week I played my first game of 5-a-side football since last Christmas.
Thanks a million, Marcus, 43
To book an assessment or for more information please email office@manchesterneurophysio.co.uk call 0161 883 0066 .