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Effects of Osgood-Schlatter

Effects of Osgood-Schlatter

It occurs in children who undertake sports that require a lot of bounding, jumping, running or quickly changing direction during the activities. The thigh muscle (quadriceps) pulls on the tendon as it contracts and this repeated stress can causes swelling and inflammation. The body's response is to try to close the gap which can cause a bony lump under the kneecap to appear. In most cases it may only affect one knee; however it is possible for both knees to be affected. Discomfort can last from weeks to years but usually stops once a child has reached full growth.

It is most common in boys as they experience puberty later as their bones take longer to strengthen with boys aged 11-15 mostly affected. Pain can range from slight discomfort to interfering completely with a child's participation in sport.

For children who are highly active and partake in regular sport or if a child experiences knee pain that is associated with locking or instability, physiotherapy management is advised.

Osgood-Schlatter diagnosis is usually clear from symptoms alone and scans or x-rays are unnecessary. Common symptoms are kneecap hypertension which causes pain, pain beginning at adolescence with a gradual onset; pain relieved by rest and worsened by sport or if there is the visible protrusion under the patella which causes pain.

To book an assessment or for more information please email call 0161 883 0066 .