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The Effects of Spinal Cord Injury

The Effects of Spinal Cord Injury

The effects of a spinal cord injury are really upsetting and depend on whether the lesion is complete or incomplete, and what level the lesion is. The higher the lesion is the less functional a person can be. For example if someone has a complete lesion of C7 (bottom of neck) they won't be able to use their legs, core or hands, but will be able to use their arms and shoulders, they will be able to breath independently.

Below are some of the effects of a spinal cord injury:

  • loss of sensation
  • loss of voluntary movement
  • loss of proprioception (awareness of joint position in space)
  • loss of bladder and bowel function
  • inability to breath independently
  • Pain
  • Muscular spasms

Here at Manchester Neuro Physio we understand how upsetting and difficult it must be after your child has experienced a spinal cord injury, but we aim to provide the best possible treatment for your child and to provide you, your child and your family with support through this difficult time.

To book an assessment or for more information please email call 0161 883 0066 .