Physiotherapy for Muscular Dystrophy The specialist neurological physiotherapists at Manchester Neuro Physio can help control your child's physical symptoms and enable them to improve/maintain their quality of life. Physiotherapy treatment usually includes stretching and strengthening programmes and activities / games to help maintain muscle strength, increase flexibility and reduce muscle spasms. Activities performed that are not only beneficial but are very enjoyable for your child. The aim of physiotherapy is to: Develop a strengthening and stretching programme to stop the development of muscular and joint contractures Monitor respiratory function and advise on techniques and exercises to maintain the strength of the respiratory muscles and assist with chest clearance. Anticipate and minimise other secondary complications of muscular dystrophy Provide equipment for mobility ie. walking aids, orthoses, callipers and wheelchairs Advise on moving and handling techniques and equipment With your consent, refer to other appropriate medical health professionals To book an appointment call 0161 883 0066, Book now or alternatively request a free phone consultation. Muscular Dystrophy What is Muscular Dystrophy? Effects of Muscular Dystrophy Physio treatment for Muscular Dystrophy Why Manchester Neuro Physio To book an assessment or for more information please email call 0161 883 0066 . ← Previous Why Manchester Neuro Physio? Next → Resources