Effects of Meningioma Each individual affected by meningioma will have different symptoms due to the different area of the brain affected. However, some symptoms may include: Muscle weakness (one side of the body or both) Reduced ability to move around Reduced ability to carry out activities of daily living Changes to sensation and co-ordination Changes to sense of joint position Inattention or neglect of affected body parts Difficulty with speech Difficulty swallowing Visual problems Changes to taste/smell Headaches/sickness Fatigue Seizures Changes in personality/behaviour/memory Changes to bladder or bowel continence Meningioma causes a broad range of symptoms that affect everyday living and ability to perform normal functional activities. It is essential that individuals with meningioma are managed by a multi-disciplinary team of experienced health professionals in order to cover all aspects of the condition. Your specialist neurological physiotherapist at Manchester Neuro Physio will complete a holistic assessment of your symptoms and discuss a detailed treatment plan focused on achievement of realistic short and long-term goals. Meningioma Effects of Meningioma Treatment for Meningioma Physiotherapy for Meningioma Why Manchester Neuro Physio To book an assessment or for more information please email office@manchesterneurophysio.co.uk call 0161 883 0066 . Next → Error_log