Effects of Kennedys disease Symptoms of Kennedy's disease will vary but characteristically they will include the following: Muscle weakness affecting the shoulder girdles initially then spreading to the limbs Muscle twitching or fasciculation Muscle atrophy (wasting of the muscles) Muscle cramps Fatigue Tremor affecting the hands Altered sensation Impaired speech Impaired swallowing Other symptoms include reduced fertility, enlarged breasts and erectile dysfunction Symptoms are usually slowly progressive and as there is no cure for the condition management is aimed at supporting the person throughout the condition. Physiotherapy can help address the difficulties that a person encounters regardless of the stage of the condition. Kennedys disease Effects of Kennedys disease Physiotherapy for Kennedys disease Why Manchester Neuro Physio To book an assessment or for more information please email office@manchesterneurophysio.co.uk call 0161 883 0066 . Next → Error_log