Diagnosis of Huntington's Disease Diagnosis can be confirmed by genetic testing via blood tests. This will confirm whether or not you have inherited the faulty gene. If you have inherited the faulty gene then you will develop Huntington's. Many people choose not to be tested, especially if it is known to run in the family. These tests cannot confirm what age the symptoms of Huntington's disease will develop. Therefore, many people believe that they would rather enjoy life and may even die of other causes before the disease develops. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans or computerised tomography (CT) scans can be used as the disease progresses to identify affected areas of the brain. Huntington's Disease What is Huntington's Disease? Effects of Huntington's Disease Diagnosis of Huntington's Disease Physio treatment for Huntington's Disease Why Manchester Neuro Physio To book an assessment or for more information please email office@manchesterneurophysio.co.uk call 0161 883 0066 . Next → Effects of Huntingtons disease