Signs of Developmental Delay There are several signs of developmental delay. Having just one or two of the signs below does not necessarily mean that your child has developmental delay. Signs of developmental delay include: behavioural signs physical signs visual signs hearing signs Behavioural signs Difficulty staying focused on an activity for as long as other children of a similar age Focuses attention on unusual objects rather than interacting with others Reduced eye contact compared with other children of a similar age Gets easily frustrated attempting to perform simple tasks compared with other children of a similar age Shows aggressive and stubborn behaviour compared with other children of a similar age Has periods of inattentiveness, rocking of the body, or talk to themselves more than other children of the same age Reduced emotion towards parent / family / carers Physical Signs Achieve developmental milestones later than the predicted age Stiffened upper and/or lower limbs Reduced tone (or floppy) trunk / posture compared to compared with other children of a similar age One side of body is used significantly more than the other Very clumsy compared with other children of a similar age Visual Signs Difficulty following moving objects with the eyes Frequent rubbing of the eyes Turns or tilts head in an unusual position when looking at objects Difficulty locating and picking up small objects (after the age of 12 months) Difficulty focusing Closing of one eye to look at distant objects Crossed or turned eyes Hearing Signs Vocalises in a very loud or very soft voice Does not respond when called from across the room Turns head to direct one ear towards sound Does not startle with loud noises Small or deformed ears Unable to produce sounds or pronounce words that would be appropriate in other children of a similar age Developmental Delay What is Developmental Delay? Signs of Developmental Delay Physio treatment for Developmental Delay Why Manchester Neuro Physio To book an assessment or for more information please email call 0161 883 0066 . ← Previous Resources Next → What is developmental delay