Effects of Cerebral Palsy Every person with cerebral palsy (CP) is affected in a different way. Depending on the area of the brain affected, the following symptoms may be present: Co-ordination and balance problems Difficulty maintaining and controlling posture Swallowing and talking difficulties Learning difficulties Epilepsy (one in three with CP also have epilepsy) Spastic CP is characterised by: Weak, tight or stiff muscle groups Difficulty performing controlled movements. Difficulty / inability to stand unaided Athetoid CP is characterised by: Involuntary, uncoordinated movements in the face, arms and trunk Difficulty eating and speaking Difficulty picking up objects Ataxic CP is characterised by: Reduced muscle tone and poor co-ordination of movements Reduced balance and depth perception Trembling hands Unsteadiness during walking Cerebral Palsy What is CP? Effects of CP CP physiotherapy treatment Why Manchester Neuro Physio To book an assessment or for more information please email office@manchesterneurophysio.co.uk call 0161 883 0066 . Next → CP Physiotherapy