Oncology conditions At Manchester Neuro Physio we treat a range of oncology conditions including: Huntingtons Physiotherapy for Huntington's disease is aimed at the helping individuals with symptoms such as; mobility problems, balance problems and musculoskeletal problems Read more → Idiopathic Diseases Physiotherapy treatment for IIDDs will depend on the specific presentation of your condition. IIDD's may affect you in different ways. Commonly they will affect your strength, balance and mobility which are key areas that physiotherapy can help address. Read more → Kennedys Disease Physiotherapy treatment will depend on your specific needs and impairments. Your physiotherapist will perform a thorough assessment of your physical problems and will devise an individual treatment programme for you. Read more → Machado Joseph Disease Your physiotherapist will liaise with your GP, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist and orthoptist to deliver multi-professional holistic care and achieve the best possible outcome. Read more → Meningioma All physiotherapy treatment will be focused on specific goals set by the individual during the initial assessment. Read more → Motor Neurone Disease Manchester Neuro Physio understand how a diagnosis of motor neurone disease can affect all aspects of the lives of you and your loved ones. Through physiotherapy we aim to keep your work, home and social life as active as possible. Read more → Vestibular Rehabilitation Vestibular rehabilitation is a tried and tested treatment technique that can prove triumphant even when other treatment tools are unsuccessful. Read more → To book an assessment or for more information please email office@manchesterneurophysio.co.uk call 0161 883 0066 . ← Previous Error_log Next → Huntingtons